RIIL Coaches Corner (March 2007)

Training and Nutirition Tips for Coaches and Players


Welcome to Coaches Corner!  Our goal is to provide coaches with effective, easy to implement training and nutritional advice that will help their athletes and team perform better.  The Coaches Corner page will be updated, monthly, allowing access to the information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you need professional assistance in implementing a sound strength and conditioning program for you athletes, be sure to check out our Online Training System.  It is the perfect opportunity to affiliate your team with our staff.  We are an official service provider for the Providence Bruins and Brown University.  The Online Training System was developed, specifically, for these teams.  It provides individuals and teams with a sensible, low-cost alternative to 'hands-on' sessions.  As a coach, you can use the Online Training System, in conjunction with 'on-site' visits by our strength and conditioning coaches, to create a first-class, performance enhancement / injury prevention program.  For as little as $10 per month, your athletes can have access to the same service Professional teams and Division 1 universities use to stay 'one-step-ahead' of the competition.  To request a, FREE, one week trial of our Online Training System, contact Mike at mmacchioni@aol.com.


Exercise of the Month:

Med Ball Rollover with Push-Up


This is an intermediate exercise aimed at developing upper body strength.  You should be able to perform ten regular push-ups, in good form, before attempting this exercise.  If you cannot, omit the push-up (steps 2 and 3) and modify the exercise by only doing steps 1, 4, and 5.  For this exercise you will need a medicine ball.  If you do not have one available, do not worry.  A basketball or soccer ball will work just as good.




1.  Assume a standard push-up position placing the ball beneath your right hand, direclty under your right shoulder.  Be sure to maintain the athletic position (knees slightly bent, pelvis slightly tilted, back arched, wide chest) throughout the entire movement. 

2.  Start by peforming a push-up.  Slowly, bend your elbows, lowering your body towards the ground, until the ball touches your shoulder.  Make sure your body is, totally, stable by pausing in the bottom position.

3.  Continue by performing the upward motion of the push-up.  Be sure to extend your arms, fully.  Again, make sure your body is, totally, stable by pausing in the top position.

4.  Keeping the body rigid, roll the ball over to your left hand and place your right hand back on the ground.  You should be in the same position that you started in, only the ball is, now, under your left hand.

5.  You have just completed one repition.  Repeat steps 1-4, rolling the ball from side to side, until you have completed ten repititions.



Progressions:  Med Ball Rollover with Push-Up (one leg) / Med Ball Walkover with Push-Up / Med Ball Jump Over Push-Up




Previous Coaches Corner articles:

 February 2007